Cancel October 26 election, Nasa official tells Wafula Chebukati

Cancel October 26 election, Nasa official tells Wafula Chebukati

IEBC chairman Wafula Chebukati during a press conference at Bomas of Kenya on October 18, 2017. A Nasa official in Western has asked him to cancel the October 26 repeat presidential election. 

An official of the National Super Alliance (Nasa) in Western Kenya has written to IEBC chairman Wafula Chebukati calling for the cancellation of the planned October 26 repeat election.

He cited the “division at the Commission and an unfavourable environment to conduct credible polls.”


The letter by Mr Khalid Njiraini, the Nasa regional coordinator for Western, advises Mr Chebukati to call off the polls until relevant reforms at the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) are met.

“Due to the hostile situation in the country because of the high political temperatures, IEBC staff are now being attacked across the country,” the letter states.

“The electoral commission is heavily divided and some commissioners are biased towards Jubilee instead of being neutral.”

Mr Njiraini’s letter dated October 19, 2017 was received at IEBC Nyanza Central Regional office on Thursday.


In reference to Mr Chebukati’s uncertainty over the credibility of the repeat polls, Mr Njiraini stated: “You as the chairman do not see to be fully in-charge of the election process and it is the public opinion that you are a man who has been held hostage and under siege from other commissioners and external forces.”

Consequently, ODM youth official in Gem Constituency, Mr Charles Onguko, has written to the Board of Managements of four Schools in East Gem ward against the use of the institutions as polling stations on October 26.

The Schools are Sagam, Sinaga, Ahono and Mindhine Primary Schools.

In his letter titled Community resolution against the use of the Schools as polling stations, Mr Onguko states that: “As a community, our conscience, thoughts and beliefs will not allow us to be part of the mockery planned on October 26 in the name of elections.”


“ such we ask that you inform the IEBC that the community will hold a consultative meeting at the school compound on the said date starting 09:00 hours,” said Mr Onguko.

On his part, Mr Njiraini insisted that the October 26 polls will not be attainable “because electronic transmission of the results and changes in technology cannot be guaranteed to give voters confidence from what happened in the previous election.”

He said Mr Chebukati should consider resigning following the killing of IEBC former ICT Manager Chris Msando and Wednesday’s resignation of IEBC Commissioner Roselyne Akombe.

“Finally, elections must always be free and fair But the truth of the matter is that the election on October 26 cannot be credible no matter what you do within the time left, hence my petition that the Presidential election must be postponed until reforms are done,” Mr Njiraini said in his letter.

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