Hamisa: You got it all wrong about Diamond and me

Hamisa: You got it all wrong about Diamond and me

Hamisa Mobetto clarified a number of things about her relationship with Diamond that may leave you speechless.

The woman in the middle of the latest love storm between Tanzanian showbiz darlings Diamond and Zari has finally opened up about the exact nature of the relationship between her and baby daddy Diamond.

Speaking during an interview with popular gossip programme Shirika La Wambea Duniani, Hamisa Mobetto clarified a number of things that may leave you speechless!

Here are six things you (probably) did not know about Diamond and Hamisa:

They have had a nine-year-long affair

While many showbiz news outlets reported that the affair between the two started after Hamisa appeared in Diamond’s hit song “Salome” in 2013, Hamisa clarified that she actually started seeing the musician nine years ago.

Diamond partly admitted to the same, saying he dated her in 2009 but the relationship did not last but according to Hamisa, the flame never died and they continued having a relationship from 2009 to date.
“Ni mtu ambaye nina uhusiano naye takriban miaka tisa na sasa inaingia kumi.”

This implies that, Diamond has been having a secret affair with Hamisa even when he was dating Wema Sepetu and Penny Mwengelo.

It was Diamond’s idea to have a baby with her
Even though Diamond has been bashed for not only cheating but going ahead to have a child, Hamisa is of a different opinion.

She says that the decision to have a baby was a well-thought, consulted idea between both of them and arrived to a conclusion of having one.

“Mimi nampenda mwanaume hadi nikaamua kuzaa naye na kabla ya kuzaa mnaanza kujadili, mwanaume hapangi kuzaa na mtu kama hayupo tayari, baadaye mnakubaliana wacha tuzae.”

(No man would wish to have a child with a woman if he is not ready. It’s something we talked about, consulted at length, soul searched and at the end of it all we agreed to have a child. Besides its wasn’t a difficult decision for me to take because he is a man I dearly love) she says.

She denies suing Diamond
Early this month, leading Tanzania newspaper Mwananchi reported that Hamisa had taken the crooner to court over child support and that the case is set for hearing end of this month.

However, that’s not correct according to Hamisa. She says Diamond is the one who asked her to find a lawyer to open the case against him seeking child support so as to ensure the child is well catered for in case something happens in the future. Hamisa maintains, it is for this reason that Diamond hasn’t responded to her act of filing the case against him.
“Mwanamke ambaye anakubali kukubebea mimba, mnalea wote mimba miezi tisa mingine hadi 10 halafu mgombane kidogo hakupeleki mahakamani, haijawahi kutokea labda huyo mtu awe hajawahi kukupenda. Siwezi kukurupuka na kusema namfungulia mashtaka. Lile lilikuwa ni wazo la baba mwenyewe, kasema anataka kumhudumia mwanaye akaleta mwanasheria wake na mimi akaniomba nilete mwanasheria wangu ikabidi nimtafute, mimi hayo mambo ya sheria nilikuwa siyajui. (A woman who accepts to carry your child for nine months wouldn’t rush to take you to court because of a minor disagreement. It was his idea, he asked me to find lawyers who would liase with his to get to an amicable solution of how the baby will be supported even in the future and have a right to his inheritance without a problem just like other of his siblings)

Deadbeat Dad? Not Diamond!
When filing for the case, it was reported that Hamisa was suing Diamond for being a deadbeat dad, even though it wasn’t clear what terms of her demands were. It’s an issue that she has now already addressed by detailing what actually transpired. When confessing to cheating, Diamond alleged that he supports his son by sending Hamisa TSh70,000 (Sh3,135) every day. Hamisa agrees that Diamond has indeed been supporting his son but what is not right is the notion that he sends that given amount on a daily basis.
“Napewa shilingi elfu sabini, kama mtu mzima mwenye akili ukiishi na mpenzi wako au ukiwa na mpenzi wako huwezi kusema kwa siku nampa shilingi laki moja au kiasi kipi, maana kuna siku unaweza ukaamka ukasema leo nina shilingi elfu kumi lakini kikubwa isiwe ndogo wala kubwa”(He supports the baby by sending me the amount, but he doesn’t remit it every day.)

Doesn’t mind being a second wife
Last week Hamisa reached out to Zari asking for truce.

The model says despite of everything, she doesn’t have a problem being considered by Diamond as his second wife because he truly loves him and they have been in a relationship for so long.
“Nadhani aliona siku ya mwisho nitakuwa kama nyumba ndogo na mwanangu anakua, sasa ili mtoto asipate shida yeye kama baba nadhani aliona inabidi amlinde mtoto wake kwa kufuata sheria ambazo zinatamsaidia mtoto kupata haki zake baadaye bila mgogoro wowote.”
(He realised at the end of the day am considered as his second wife mother to his second son. And with the baby growing up, I guess that’s why he decided to involve the lawyers to ensure he is well protected even in the near future.)

Focused on being a good mother
Despite all the drama that has happened, Hamisa wishes that someday she could walk down the aisle with the singer but she says currently she is focused on being a good mother to the two kids she is raising.

“Kumpenda mtu ni kitu kingine kutaka kuendelea naye napo ni kitu kingine, kwa sasa naangalia katika nafasi yangu na watoto kama Mungu amepanga tuwe pamoja basi ni heri,” (Loving someone is one thing, being with that person is another. For now am focusing more on raising my kids and if Gods’ plan is for us to be together, so shall it be.)

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