Raila Odinga to hold parallel Mashujaa Day celebrations in Kisumu

Raila Odinga to hold parallel Mashujaa Day celebrations in Kisumu

Nasa leader Raila Odinga addresses a rally at Mama Ngina drive in Mombasa on October 15, 2017. Nasa will hold parallel Mashujaa Day celebrations in Kisumu County to remember those who were killed and injured during anti-IEBC protests.
National Super Alliance (Nasa) leader Raila Odinga will on Friday lead the Opposition brigade in parallel Mashujaa Day celebrations in Kisumu County in memory of the victims of police brutality.

President Uhuru Kenyatta will lead the national celebrations at Uhuru Park in Nairobi to honour those who contributed towards the struggle for Kenya's Independence or positively contributed to post-independence Kenya.


Mr Odinga and the Nasa team will first attend a funeral service at mid-morning at Oginga Odinga Park in Bondo, Siaya County, for those killed during anti-IEBC protests.

Later, Mr Odinga will be in Kisumu to mark the Mashujaa Day celebrations at Ogango Grounds (Dr Owuor Grounds) where special prayers for the victims will also be conducted.

During the two events, some of the people injured during protests and bereaved families will speak.

ODM Communications Director Philip Etale on Thursday said Mr Odinga will be in the region during the events.

"He will lead the Nasa team to mourn the departed heroes and condole with their families,” he said.


Mr Etale said the leaders will also console those who were injured by police during the “peaceful anti-IEBC protests.”

On Tuesday, Mr Odinga had indicated that Nasa had suspended its weekly protests “in honour of the innocent victims of the state” and promised to make an announcement on the Opposition’s next cause of action.

Nasa chose Kisumu and Bondo towns for the events as they were worst-hit by the protests.

Police shot dead three youths in Bondo, Siaya County, and a Vihiga High School student was killed in Kisumu during the protests to push for electoral reforms.

Scores of other youths, including children and an elderly woman, were injured in Homa Bay, Kisumu, Migori and Siaya counties.


Mr Odinga said Nasa remains deeply disturbed by the continued murder and brutalisation of supporters, especially in western Kenya.

“The murders that have occurred during recent protests, together with those committed immediately after the August elections were clearly premeditated and carefully planned to annihilate the people and make them accept a stolen election as a fait accompli,” he said.

The latest killings, Mr Odinga said, exposed the ugly face of the alliance between the legitimate security organs and militia armed and dressed by the state to subdue people seeking free, fair and credible elections.

He accused the Inspector General of Police Joseph Boinnet and acting Interior Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang’i of facilitating gangs on drugs and security officers “fed with divisive propaganda and ethnic bigotry to execute a murderous expedition against unarmed and innocent civilians.”

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